How to choose a great essay topic? Typical writing mistakes

Many writers are faced with the problem of choosing a topic for an essay. It is necessary to choose from a variety of issues that are interesting to the writer. An effective way to solve such a problem is to look for surprising facts, phenomena, and patterns in ordinary things or events. When the topic of the essay is formulated, it is important to write down the title so as not to forget it.

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Choosing a topic

The author is not restricted in choosing the topic of the work, which can reflect his interests, life position, fears, or dreams. Common topics are:

An event can be chosen as the theme. This is a relatively easy task since there is always something going on around a person. If writing about an event that happened recently, it is easy to describe its details without missing important details.
It is not uncommon for authors to look at any situation and use the “detachment” technique, that is, analyze familiar things from a new angle.
By recalling his impressions from the past tense, the writer manages to discover important and interesting topics for himself.
Experiences are internal events that are much deeper than other experiences. Making sense of experiences allows one to immerse oneself in the topic and reflect on important personal issues.

Writers often look to people, events that happened to them, and their impressions and experiences when looking for a topic for an essay. In this case, it will be useful for the writer to personally communicate with the future heroes of the work. The subject matter of the essay can be based on any subject. An interesting solution is a new look at familiar things.

Essay Structure

There are no special requirements for the structure of the essay. Standard rules can be followed to simplify the work with the material and to structure the information:

Thoughts on the topic of the good essay are stated in the form of brief theses;
Each thought is accompanied by evidence, that is, after the thesis, the author gives arguments.

Arguments can be presented in the form of facts, phenomena of social life, events, life situations and experiences, scientific evidence, and references to the opinions of scientists. It is advisable to use two arguments for each thesis, since less evidence is not convincing, and more violates the principles of essay writing such as brevity and imagery.

Theses and arguments are determined by the topic, the plan of the work, and the logic of thought development. The work is performed according to the ring structure, following the algorithm:

Thesis and evidence.
Thesis and evidence.
Thesis and evidence.

The number of thoughts and arguments can vary depending on the individual characteristics of the work. The main aspects that should be considered when writing an essay:

In the introduction and conclusion, the author needs to focus the reader’s attention on the topic;
The introduction implies posing a question, and in the conclusion, the writer summarizes his or her own opinion;
When designing an essay, it is necessary to highlight paragraphs, and red lines, and establish logical connections to make the work look coherent;
The style of presentation may be emotional, expressive, or artistic.

Before you start writing the work, you should wonder about the content of the essay. For example, you can prepare short answers to one or more questions:

How am I different from other people?
Why am I doing my own thing?
Why do I remember this event?
How did the event affect my personality?
Why am I interested in this person?
Would I want to be in this person’s shoes?
What did I learn from the situation?

The effective formulation of thoughts and the use of short, simple, varied intonation sentences will help to engage the reader. The style reflects the author’s personality.


There are no restrictions on the volume of essays. If the author writes works while studying at an educational institution, the text usually comes out to several thousand characters. Journalism is characterized by smaller volumes.
The essay should be of a size at which the author can fully express his thoughts. But at the same time, it is necessary to talk about the most important things, so that the reader does not get bored while getting acquainted with the text.

Literature assumes complete freedom of the writer, so the essay in this case can consist of a single phrase or serve as material for a whole book. The author is limited to a specific topic and problem, which mainly determines the volume of the work.

Template phrases and clichés

There are common phrases that are often used in essay writing. Such clichés are universal in their application, allowing you to express the author’s thoughts as intelligently and clearly as possible. Templates for the introductory part of the work:

The author of the statement means that…;
the author of the quotation raises such a question…;
this topic is relevant because of …;
nowadays it is not uncommon to observe …;
in my life I have repeatedly encountered the problem …;
the problem is relevant not only to me personally, but to the whole world;
this statement suggests ….;
categorically disagree with the opinion of …

In the main part, the author, as a rule, reveals the topic, using terms and definitions. Often examples from real life, experiences, and practices are described. To present information and reasoning, writers resort to the use of the following phrases:

considering the problem in theory …;
the theoretical argumentation of the problem consists of…;
one should consider the issue from different angles …;
it is possible to prove the statement with the help of examples …;
having considered the question based on personal experience, I have concluded …;
in support of my point of view, we refer to …;
as evidence we use vivid examples from history …;
in our life, we can find many examples of …

In the conclusion, the author again formulates the problem and presents a conclusion on the topic of the essay. One should avoid exactly copying the wording of the question that was given in the introduction. A few popular clichés will help to summarize effectively:

from the above we can conclude …;
thus ….;
in conclusion, we would like to point out …;
to summarize, we can say …;
based on the above, it can be said that …

Writing mistakes

This genre does not imply a multiple-choice format (when writing an essay, you are not offered several answers to choose from). The performance of the work is not limited by a time limit. It is allowed to rewrite the text to correct deficiencies and corrections. An effective solution is a trial reading with friends or relatives for a preliminary evaluation of the work. A responsible approach to writing is the key to essay success. If you have doubts about the correctness of your essay, you can apply the best essay writing service reddit to get help with paper editing.

However, authors often make the following mistakes:

Neglecting to check the text for literacy, lack of ambiguous expressions, unfortunate wording, and similar flaws;
insufficient details, tedious introduction, listing theses without argumentation;
ideas that are irrelevant to the topic, repetition of the same thoughts, and a lot of words that distract the reader’s attention from the main issue;
the use of too long and complicated phrases;
incorrect use of terms.

The essay must be written in language accessible to a wide audience. Competent presentation of information will help to better convey the author’s thoughts, convey the main idea to the reader. Checking for errors will not take much time and will allow you to identify and correct deficiencies, which will positively affect the result of the work.


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